Thursday, May 2, 2019

Block Access to Netgear Nighthawk AX12 router

This is true that you can use advance Netgear Nighthawk AX12 router device for your network wifi access but sometimes when you need to block wifi access for these advance wifi router devices. Using loginpage you can easily block internet access for your wireless devices and you can allow wifi access to those device once again when you need. Easily manage the Smart setup configuration for ADSL Netgear devices.

Here are Steps to Block and Allow WiFi Access for Netgear Nighthawk AX12 router

1.     Connect your Netgear Nighthawk AX12 router device to a computer and then open web browser.
2.     Fill login address to the address bar and then get the login page access.
3.     When you are at the Netgear wifi router login page, fill Netgear wifi router login user name and password.
4.     Select “Advanced” button and from there you will find the settings for your Netgear router.
5.     After that click on “security” button.
6.     At the end clicks on “Access Control” button.
Netgear router sign in

7.     Using check box enable access controls for your Netgear Nighthawk AX12 router device.
8.     When you select “Allow All New Devices to Contact” option, your wifi router will allow all new wireless devices to have high speed wifi connections.
9.     When you select “Block All New Devices to Connect” option then your Netgear Nighthawk AX12 router device will not allow wifi connections without your permission. Click on “Save” button at the end of the setup.

If you want, you can get the list of the devices that are connected to your Netgear wifi router device. When you allow all wireless devices to have internet connections, you can get bandwidth settings for your device and make sure that some important devices are getting more bandwidth for wifi access.

How to manage advance settings for Netgear EX7000 extender

Advance settings for any Netgear device are must to configure otherwise you will not get accurate working state for these devices. When you have Netgear EX7000 extender device for your wifi access, you will need to change the advance settings for these devices. See the steps for configuring the Netgear ex2700 devices easily

Using mywifiext login page you can easily configure the advance settings for these devices. You can change network name, login password, wireless security and other kind of settings for your devices easily.

Here are Steps to Change Advance Settings for Netgear WiFi Extender

1.     Provide power supply to your Netgear EX7000 extender device.
2.     From your device search for wifi network available for your device and get connect to “Netgear_EXT” wifi network.
3.     Open web browser from same computer device.
4.     Fill mywifiext login page address in the address bar. Or, type IP address in the address bar.
5.     Fill login email ID and password for your device access.
6.     There you can click on “Settings” button.

7.     From there you can change advance wireless settings for your device. you can either have 2.4 GHz or 5 GHz network settings for your devices. When you change the network name for your device, your wifi extender device will broadcast this network name to other wireless devices.
8.     You can also manage the wifi speed for the wireless devices that connected to your network. You can easily configure these wifi speed settings from the drop down.
9.     After that you can fill the login password that you want to set for your Netgear EX7000 extender device.
10.                  After that click on “Apply” button and save the settings.

These are simple steps for changing the wireless settings for your Netgear EX7000 extender device.